Charels Higgins

The Watchful Eye

Charels Higgins

When we observe, how do we sense behavioral patters over time, consistently, such that they are recognizable?

Making explicit a pattern in a tree generally does not require special skills.  Telling the difference between a white pine and a black pine requires some greater degree of specialty.

The importance of such difference may fade with subtle distinctions - but in some context where words are shaped in meaning by a twist,  a tap, a phrase - even the pages and binding of a book influence the meaning of the words.

The reader can never know the mind or heart of the writer.  All that is here around you at this moment plays a role in what the words mean to you.  I only know that what you think and what I mean will be different.

Meaning is influenced by context - every context is unique!  Every meaning drawn from these words differs!  Perhaps only slightly - but different it is!

It is not That which Drives what we say
It is that which drives what we do
Which pillars we stand in belief
To our gain
To our folly

At the edge of meaning
Lives the absurd
Where lies some truth
And much noise